Law Enforcement Technology

FEB 2014

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37 February 2014 Law Enforcement Technology TA L K I N G P O I N T S The database also determines whether the CAD and the mobile systems access the same database or data sets, or requires an interim step to move data between the two systems, slowing communications. Inter-system and inter-agency sharing CAD systems extend beyond com- puting devices and software, and may link to other systems such as alarm inputs, mobile data systems, time syn- chronization sources, records manage- ment systems, other agencies; and local, county, state and federal criminal justice databases. Since 9/11, the focus has been on improving information-sharing between agencies and jurisdictions. Federal Guidelines for Governance Agreements in Public Safety Information Sharing Projects state, "Advancements in public safety CAD, records management systems , and other associated systems have made it efficient and safe for multiple agencies to share the administration and sup- port of these systems. Meanwhile, the development and wide adoption of the National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) standard have made it technically easier to share data." Database admin Beyond how they control speed and access to data, databases influ- ence overall CAD system costs. A PricewaterhouseCoopers study reported 70 percent of database costs occur after implementation. Databases fully inte- grated within the application eliminate ongoing licensing, support, and upgrade costs, and can eliminate the need to hire an experienced database administrator. WhatÕs new in CAD data? Data access and retrieval Originally developed by IBM for mainframe computers, the Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM) offers an efficient central data access approach. ISAM has evolved to allow developers to use an application pro- gramming interface (API) to search indexes and locate records in data files. Applied to CAD systems, combining ISAM and master tables allows individu- al records to be retrieved without search- ing the entire data set. For example a "Master Names Table" allows a single name to be quickly retrieved, regardless of where the name is used or referenced in the overall system. Without ISAM or master tables, name information for a single individual may be located in multiple places, like I n d e p e n d e n t T i m e D e l a y I n d e p e n d e n t T i m e D e l a y I N S T A L L T I M E R S The Lind T2 Shut Down Timer protects your vehicle battery from over-discharge, and protects communications and other sensitive equipment from low voltage and high voltage damage. The T2 Shut Down Timer turns off electrical loads at a preset time after the car engine is shut down. The timer has two outputs; each has its own time delay. To learn how the T2 Shut Down Timer can work for you, contact Lind at 1.800.697.3701, via email at or visit us online at Circle 37 on Reader Service Card Circle 36 on Reader Service Card LET_36-38_TalkingPoints0214.indd 37 1/24/14 12:29 PM

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