Law Enforcement Technology

JUL 2013

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RADIO & DISPATCH Performance In a public agency, most increases in wages and benefits are negotiated. The union debates with government managers to come up with cost of living and salary increases. As you earn longevity, your pay increases regardless of performance. With iXP, employees earn their keep. "Besides the economic benefits, we are under a performance matrix," says Consalvos. "We have staffing requirements and call time requirements. We'll step up to those standards contractually." The company passes those performance requirements on to their employees expecting a level of service that provides quality. Based on this, employees work under a pay-for-performance matrix. One of the concerns about privatization is operators will no longer know their area or be familiar with the officers they work with. iXP counters this. "Our communications centers have to be in the regional area for the communities we support," says Consalvos. "They have to be close to the public safety agencies so they can participate in ride-alongs, and so public safety people can come in and spend time in the center." Cost Although neither side believes cost is the most important factor in determining whether 911/police dispatching services should remain public, it is the main reason driving governments to look at alternatives. "The long term cost of employees doesn't end when the employee retires," Consalvos says. Entering into a private contract creates financial predictability, he explains, stating they can enter into a long-term fixed price contract. He uses Arizona as an example, "They are facing budgetary limitations due to long Circle 83 on Reader Service Card 30 Law Enforcement Technology July 2013 term pensions. They can no longer put firefighters or police officers on the street because they are paying for employees that are no longer providing a service." Cohen doesn't believe the fiscal solution is out-sourcing, but improving from within. "I want to invest in them and high quality management," explains Cohen. "It's about good or not good management not about going private." Accountability Cohen states public service should be just that—public. One of the main reasons is accountability. "We have the ultimate ability to vote in and vote out the people that make the choices," says Cohen. "You remove accountability when you get further out. The private company is accountable to more than just us. When you have a public safety controlled and managed by the public, you

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