Law Enforcement Technology

JUL 2013

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FI RE ARMS TACTICS with real bullets. Surprisingly, this often does not occur to an officer when on a real call, with a real suspect, and the cover officer has a loaded gun pointed in their direction. The officer up range during training will experience a similar anxiety, a likely product of the realization that they have live ammo and someone is downrange. This anxiety is not mitigated by the use of suppressors, which means that perception of the discharge may not be a factor in the anxiety. Hall explained that firearms trainers must move slowly with this kind of training. The first step is obviously a dry-fire practice, using flagged chambers or Blue Guns. This is the crawl phase. This, and all subsequent phases, should include frequent breaks, routine azimuth (Are we navigating in the same direction?) checks and an emphasis on fundamentals. During the crawl phase, trainers should do simple move-and-shoot drills. A simple move-and-shoot drill looks like this: Two shooters begin at the 25 yard line (for handgun drills). They The officer continues to the other side of the last officer for the last firing sequence. The run phase should be familiar already to line staff peace officers. It is commonly called a stacking drill. It is ideal for maximizing fire continuity for several officers approaching a frontal target from a linear formation to a threat in front of them. Succinctly, the lead officer goes prone, the one (or two) officer(s) behind him kneel and the officer(s) in the rear remain standing. Everyone engages the same target or target zone. Eliminate Reverse Prints! Transparent Casting Material The diference is clear… ACCUTRANS® sets a new standard for lifting fngerprints. • AutoMix is easy to use... no mixing required! • Ideal for all surfaces, including Styrofoam, brick, computer housings, etc. • Transparent PVS material allows direct comparison of minutia points. If you were my cover offcer, I would not want you to be taking notes, looking at the computer screen or punching on your phone. move downrange within armÕs length. One officer goes first and moves to the 20-yard line. Both officers engage the same target, communicating while shooting. The cover officer leapfrogs to the 15-yard line and the officers trade roles. They continue until one officer is finally at the 5-yard line. The walk phase uses four officers in a drill that John Hall calls a Òsnake drill.Ó Three officers line up several feet apart, perpendicular to the firing line. The fourth starts next to the furthest from the line and shoots from slightly behind him. He moves down range, weaving to the other side of the next officer and firing. ACCUTRANS® Starter Kit includes Transparent, White, and Brown casting silicone. Now Available in Black 1-800-262-6262 Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44223 Circle 21 on Reader Service Card July 2013 Law Enforcement Technology 39

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