Law Enforcement Technology

JUL 2013

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P RODUCT S HOWCA SE Inmate banking software A non-traditional restraint G-Tactical's G-TAC is fast, easy and effective in restraint and control of all individuals, regardless of size, strength or mental and substance condition, that need to brought to order in all situations. The G-TAC can be used to reduce excessive or deadly force and allow total body control through use of the techniques with minimal to maximum force controlled by the user. When you choose Swanson Services Corp., you team up with one of the corrections industry's top developer of correctional financial software. Installed in more than 600 correctional clients throughout the United States, Cobra Banker is the software-of-choice for facilities that want to streamline fiduciary processes—so they can reallocate precious resources where they're needed most. This powerful software manages your entire resident banking process, stretches shrinking budgets, and even reveals new sources of revenue. Cobra Banker is proven to deliver overall efficiency by reducing labor costs generates additional revenue. Circle 71 on Reader Service Card Lighten the load Armament Systems and Procedures (ASP) ramped up its "Lighten the Load" initiative, which is aimed at bettering the health and wellbeing of police officers, by introducing the new Talon Air Baton. The 50 cm Disc Loc, button or cap release Talon Air weighs approximately 11.5 ounces, nearly a half of a pound less than its steel counterpart. The lighter weight is meant to help reduce the risk of low back injuries, while its innovative design and unique materials still ensure superior performance and protection. Circle 70 on Reader Service Card Circle 72 on Reader Service Card You don't need a badge to investigate this. Law Enforcement Technology revolutionizes the way people receive information in the law enforcement industry. Bringing print to life with sight, sound and motion. To advertise, contact your integrated media consultant today. Michael George, Publisher LEPN 800-547-7377 Ext. 1143 Kelly Bisco, Integrated Media Consultant 800-547-7377 Ext. 1360 Nikki Becker, Integrated Media Consultant 800-547-7377 Ext. 1317 Nick Palasini, Integrated Media Consultant 800-547-7377 Ext. 1676 Lindsey Gajewski, Integrated Media Consultant 800-547-7377 Ext. 1354 July 2013 Law Enforcement Technology 45

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