Law Enforcement Technology

JUL 2013

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L AW E N F O R C E M E N T H AS A N E W C R I M E - F I G H T I N G TO O L : F O R E S I G H T. {P O W E R F U L A N SW E R S } TECHNOLOGY THAT CAN HELP MAKE COMMUNITIES SAFER A convergence of technologies—mobile, machine-to-machine (M2M), cloud, security and data analytics—is powering a revolution in law enforcement communications. Together, they deliver secure, reliable communication and a shared view into incidents and investigations, helping to increase awareness and quicken response times. Public safety agencies will soon also have access to a 4G LTE–powered public safety network, a portion of the 700 MHz wireless airwaves known as the D-block. With D-block, agencies will be empowered to collaborate across jurisdictions in near real time, improving critical decision making and boosting safety for first responders and citizens alike. SOLUTIONS FOR PUBLIC SAFETY: Circle 64 on Reader Service Card 4G LTE is available in more than 490 markets in the U.S. Network details & coverage maps at © 2013 Verizon Wireless.

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