Law Enforcement Technology

JUL 2013

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Advance Knowledge Take a qualifed approach to DNA submissions We know that DNA profling can help us to establish whether or not a suspect can be linked to a crime. But, until crime scene samples have been analysed in the lab, we can't be certain that they will contain human DNA in suffcient levels of quality and quantity to generate a usable profle. Our innovative ParaDNA screening system enables you to establish these facts right from the start, so that you can predict with confdence whether or not any samples submitted for further analysis will deliver a usable profle. You can fast forward to those samples most likely to be informative and avoid the time and cost of running tests on samples that prove to be unusable. ParaDNA® makes it quick and simple for you to carry out your own, on the spot presumptive DNA screening – to give the best chance of generating a DNA profle. In just 75 minutes, you can identify whether a sample contains human DNA (you can screen up to four at once) and choose those most suitable for further lab analysis. So why wait? Fast forward your investigation with ParaDNA® For more information and to discuss how ParaDNA can work for your force, please visit: brought to you by: Circle 16 on Reader Service Card © LGC Limited, 2013. All rights reserved. 3500/OR/0113

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